Sunday, May 10, 2009

Marinated Tempeh - Teriyaki style

I got turned on to tempeh via a friend who's been vegan for as long as I've known him.

Tempeh is one of those soy based foods most people don't seem to know much about. Since it's a fermented soy, it is more readily digestible by the body compared to tofu. And it's density gives it a meat like quality and since it absorbs whatever it's marinated or cooked in, it has the wonderful ability to mimic certain types of meat.

My marinated tempeh is interesting in that I have eaten both uncooked and cooked - and found that each was as good as the other - the ingredients are simple and usually available in one's pantry.


1 package Tempeh - usually two large rectangles
1 cup of Braggs Liquid Amino or Shoyu
2 gloves crushed garlic
1 tblsp Rice Vinegar
1/4 tsp Stevia
nice squirt of Sriracha (if you want a little heat)


Cut the Tempeh rectangles in half to create 4 equal sized pieces. Mix all other ingredients in a bowl. Place Tempeh in a Gladware container ot similar shaped container. Pour marinade over tempeh. If tempeh isn't fully immersed, add some water to cover all slices. Cover and refridgerate over night - shuffling the tempeh every so often to make sure all get sufficient immersion in the marinade.

That's it. If you want to make a teriyaki style burger - grill the tempeh on a BBQ or bake in the oven and then serve on a sprouted grain bun or bread. You can also cut up a rectangle cold and add to any number of dishes - including a cold buckwheat soba noodle salad and utilize some of the marinade as salad dressing for the noodle salad.

Bon Appetito