Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sprouted Lentil Salad - A Super Food

Awhile back I came across a web page describing the use of sporuted grains and legumes as a source of vegetable protein that the body can readily assimilate.

I decided to make this variation on a salad I found online awhile back - but have since lost the URL (If anyone knows of it - please post in a comment)

Sprouted Lentils are a vegan's ideal source for plant based protein - easily digested, nutritious.Made to sit on top of a combination of organic micro greens, raw spinach, raw kale, tomato's, kalmata olives, onion, walnuts with a fresh home made lemon juice, cumin, garlic and olive oil or hemp seed oil salad dressing - its a raw foodies dream come true for dinner

This is a tasty and satisfying meal and the greens provide phyto nutrients that have many helath benefits.

Bon Appetito